In April 2022, USCIS announced an extreme interpretation of HR 2471, the law which in part reauthorized the Regional Center Program. USCIS’ view is that Regional Centers no longer exist and that all previously-designated Regional Centers must submit an application called Form I-956 in order to be recertified or redesignated at EB-5 regional centers. USCIS states no Forms I-526 may be filed by potential investors until the regional center is redesignated.
While we hope that this interpretation fails - as it should - due to pending litigation, the reality is that every regional center will nonetheless need to file a new operations plans and other documentation with USCIS to show how they are complying with the other new requirements of HR 2471.
RLG has a ton of experience getting regional centers approved and expanded as well as their projects approved. We can document this track record to anyone and provide references as well. If you are a regional center in need of cost-effective legal services for this regional center redesignation or recertification process, please get in touch. While we do not know the exact nature of the new Form I-956 application that will be required until it is released in mid-May 2022, the compliance requirements do not look overly onerous and we expect to be able to prepare a solid, ultimately successful application like that for a regional center for something like $10,000 for RC’s with existing/ongoing projects and $20,000 for those without (subject to the nature of the form requirements once it is released, of course). These are exclusive of government filing fees and any third-party costs, of course. But overall, let’s not think these new rules are more complicated than they are - our office can expertly prepare the necessary documents for any regional center in order to maintain or renew its designation.